1. You have 30 days from the date of delivery to decide if you are satisfied with the shipment. If you are not satisfied, please return the item for a full refund, less postage.
2. We strive to make an accurate identification of any and all items that are listed in print, verbally described over the phone, or in person. On rare occasions an item may be found to be inaccurately identified. If it should happen, please return the item for a full refund, including postage and handling.*
3. Regarding rough gem materials; please feel free to use immersion fluid, or any removable aid you feel necessary to help you in your purchasing decision. You may not, however, alter the rough in any way. Please do not grind, sand, polish, cut, or chip the material. Anything that changes the weight of the rough will void this agreement. Of course, this would also include heat treatment. A material altered, is a material purchased.
4. Refunds will be issued promptly upon return of the material.
5. Minimum mail orders are $20.00.
6. Shipping methods available include USPS, UPS, FED EX, and DHL. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the purchaser and are non-refundable under most circumstances. *
7. Payment may be made by Check, Money Order, Traveler’s Checks, Cash, COD, Wire Transfer, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, and PayPal. Approval terms and open accounts are available on a limited basis only. Please inquire for details
8. Business hours- 10am-5pm, Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.
9. Private viewings are available by appointment only. We are happy to visit with you in person. However, we may not always be available. So, we ask that you please call first.
* Incorrect items shipped will be refunded postage upon receipt of return.
We look forward to serving your gem and mineral needs.